about the author


Hey there!

My name is Kaylee Fisher.

To give you a quick synopsis of who I am and why I am here, keep reading…

I am 24 years old and am originally from Baltimore, Maryland where I grew up with a loving family. I went to college in western New York and enjoyed my time playing on the women’s volleyball team. I pursued a degree in Intercultural Studies which has created opportunities to work with some amazing international non-profits.

I met the love of my life in college and in the middle of a worldwide pandemic - we committed to a life together under God and in front of our closest family and friends. My husband, Zachary, has been going to grad school in the Quad Cities for the last few years. After we got hitched, I finally decided it may be worth it to leave the East Coast to spend my days with my new beau. Needless to say, it has been beautiful and very challenging at times. Since then, we ended up buying our first home and adding two fur babies into the mix. We proudly show many photos of Toast, our tabby cat, and Arlo, our 1-year old golden retriever.

However- life is about to change AGAIN for us. We will be moving in June 2022 to live closer to my family in Maryland. We are looking forward to being within an arms reach of our loved ones again.


& they are living happily ever always…

our story is perfectly imperfect -

just like us.

I have an adventurous soul.

No sentence has ever been more true.

If you are familiar with the enneagram (which you should totally be!!) - I am a 7w8 which is called β€œThe Opportunist” basically meaning I am all about new things/places/experiences. Needless to say that has led me to some amazing places and have a few crazy stories to tell ya about! Stay tuned for many of those…

Things I love:

a fresh pot of coffee in the morning, a corner flower shop, an old cobblestone street, a good game of volleyball, more coffee - preferably iced, golden retrievers, Gilmore Girls, Christmas lights, fall weather, a lesson learned, a new friend and all the old ones, belting worship songs in the car, unplanned FaceTimes, a plane ticket to anywhere anytime, vintage everything, antique shops, F.R.I.E.N.D.S on repeat, farmers markets, thrift shopping, running on my terms, Ben Rector, weekend getaways, sitting on the front porch, HGTV, getting lost in a new city, succulents, skincare, Bible verses, Harry Potter marathons, sunflowers, peonies, listening to the waves, greenery…. and OH, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE.