Don’t Wait to Cultivate

cul·ti·vate // : apply oneself to improving or developing (one's mind or manners).

Why now?

Why start a blog now? Well, to be honest, I don’t know. Other than the fact that this year, 2020, has been the craziest year ever… I have been waiting and waiting for the right time to jump into a project like starting a blog. Sharing my photos, my stories, my voice?? It can be scary to put yourself out there like that! Doing anything new is taking a risk- a risk of failure.

“What if I start a blog and no one reads it?”

“What if no one cares?”

“What if my voice isn’t good enough to make a difference?”

Talking down to yourself is one of the most destructive things you can do to your self confidence and your courage. Is it possible that one of those fears could become reality?… I suppose so. But what would I say to a friend who was thinking some of these things? I would say, “You have things in you that only you can offer to the world. No matter how many blogs there are or how many opinions there are, there is room for your voice. Speaking from your own experience tells a story that only you can tell. Even if only one person benefits from hearing your story- isn’t that enough? Impacting one person- isn’t that enough?

The answer is yes.

The fact of the matter is that we DO have a voice and an influence- for better or for worse.

Unexplored influence leaves us leading aimless or distracted lives where our deepest dreams and longings remain uncultivated.
— Jenni Catron

This quote hits me right to the core. Not only is discovering the type of influence we have important- but it directly impacts our path in life. Think about how many people in this life never cultivate their influence and watch their dreams pass them by. To me- that’s a lot of wasted potential. A lot of positive change and influence that the world missed out on.

SO here I am, laying aside doubt, fear, and pride. Imperfections and all! Being vulnerable to my readers, because that is what speaks to hearts. We are all just trying to figure life out and I would like to do that with you. I am ALL IN. Jumping into this journey of cultivating my influence.

One of the biggest ways to understand your influence is to explore the type of leadership that comes naturally to you. It will not look like everybody else. Being a good leader is one of my greatest desires. Being given that kind of role is a huge responsibility. SO why wait on building my leadership skills? Is there really such thing as being too young to start? Absolutely not. You are never too young for growth. Investing in who you are does not elevate you- it actually humbles you, because it helps you understand how much you have yet to learn.

Have you ever heard of the statement, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” ??? This sentence makes me want to yell SAME!!

In the last few months of my senior year of college, I applied to a graduate fellowship position with an international non-profit in Washington, DC. I felt giddy about it honestly. I could see my dreams on the horizon and all the things I had hoped for were within an arms reach (at least for the “first real job” type of dream). I was passionate about their mission statement and the staff were incredibly welcoming. When I had my official interview over the phone, I was practically sweating with nerves in my dorm room. To my surprise, the program director offered me the job on the spot and asked me to start right away. I honestly couldn't believe it.


How was I going to start this fellowship when:

  1. I was still in college!!

  2. Geographically I was no where near DC???

Thankfully, the director was gracious enough to let me start remotely until I could move after graduation. Things were going well and before I knew it I was a full-blown event coordinator for a big week-long event the program was hosting in May. I was booking international itineraries, venues, catering, curriculums, speakers… YOU NAME IT! I had no idea how quickly I would be pushed into the deep end. I was doing my best to remain calm and make it happen— all while finishing my senior year.


I loved this job. I felt like I was really contributing and that I was trusted to be successful. I eventually realized that senior week leading up to graduation was the same week we were hosting this week long seminar in DC. So, after I took my last final, I hopped on a plane and headed for DC for the week. Graduation was planned for Saturday, so I had to leave an important meeting at the State Department to fly back to New York. To say I was hustling would be the understatement of the century. I barely made it back in time to attend the baccalaureate.

This is only chapter 1 of all the adventures I had with this particular job…but…

Moral of the story is that there is a high chance that you may be asked to become a leader within a moment’s notice. Perhaps, my first job out of college was a rude awakening. This minimum effort I was giving to my personal growth as a leader was no longer gonna cut it. This world moves fast and sometimes expectations can feel like a serious whirlwind. SO, my questions is— are you prepared to withstand it? Have you invested in your grit, diligence, confidence, and willpower? Will you be ready when they ask you to lead? Will you be willing to step up? It is true what they say— I don’t know what I don’t know. BUT, leading isn’t about having all the answers. But when it comes time for you to have the answer or the final say— will you have the one they need?

I recently started meeting with a mentor who has helped me reflect on what kind of leader I want to be. She recently sent me an article about finding your leadership style and I found it extremely interesting. I had never thought about how many types of leaders there are and how vital they all are to make our society work. But that just goes to show you how crucial it is to understand the gifts that God has given you, so that you can utilize it in the most prosperous way! Knowing your strengths doesn’t make you stuck up or arrogant. It makes you mindful.

Don’t live your life aimlessly.

Maybe you’re wondering why I named my blog Memoire. I will tell you. I do not believe that there will be a sparkly moment when I feel like I have finally figured it all out // or that I am finally qualified to properly reflect on my life to write about it. I am who I am right now. I am LIVING now. I don’t want to wait to make an influence, because the irony is that you can’t! Your influence is happening now whether you acknowledge it or nurture it at all.

Don’t wait to cultivate.

* I would highly encourage you to come on this journey with me and do some digging into the kind of leader God has created you to be. Comment below which type of leadership you gravitate toward. Which ones you want to develop?

//Click here to read the leadership article.


It’s a Wonderful Life